Northern Wastes League

Welcome to the Northern Wastes Blood Bowl page!

The Northern Wastes is the Blood Bowl group residing at FanBoy3 in central Manchester.

The Sixth Season is about to begin.Here you can see all the latest Northern Wastes action including the current league table, team rosters and match stats.

If you prefer thumbing through a hard copy then you can find these in FanBoy3 on the notice board upstairs by the Blood Bowl miniatures and you can gaze with covetous eyes at the trophy in the cabinet downstairs by the loos!

The Northern Wastes aren’t just a hellish region home to all forms of Chaos, we also welcome all forms of Blood Bowl players. So if you are a current Blood Bowler, a former player wishing to return to the fold, or someone completely new to this wonderful game, please do get in touch!

We have players who are always keen for friendlies and any one wishing to join the league will be more than welcome. If you are interested then please email